Prevalence and risk factors of hemorrhoids: a study in a semi-urban centre


  • G. G. Ravindranath Department of General Surgery, Vishwabharathi Medical College, RT Nagar, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • B. G. Rahul Department of General Surgery, Vishwabharathi Medical College, RT Nagar, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India



Diet, Hemorrhoids, Incidence, Risk factors


Background: Hemorrhoids, also called piles are masses or clumps of tissues which consist of muscle and elastic fibers with enlarged, bulging blood vessels and surrounding supporting tissues present in the anal canal of an individual. This condition is a common ailment among the adults. The actual burden of the disease remains unknown. Hence author had undertaken this study to assess the incidence and the risk factors of this disease among the patients in the area.

Methods: 63 patients between the ages 20 and 80 who had come to the outpatient ward with hemorrhoids were included into the study. The demographic details from all the patients were noted. Their dietary habits, bowel habits, amount of physical activity, smoking and alcohol use as well as over the counter medication use were noted in detail.

Results: Out of the 63 patients under study, 66.67% were males and 33.33% were females, with the most common age group affected was below 40 years of age. Less than 40% of the patients were vegetarians, with more than half of the patients having a mixed diet. More number of women history of hemorrhoids in their family (47.6%), while the history in the males was only 26.2%. Straining and constipation was seen in majority of the patients while many of them also had chronic cough. Bleeding and mass through the rectum was seen in majority of the patients (96.8% and 93.7% respectively) while 76.2% of them had pain during defecation. Few of the patients (33.3%) soiled their clothes.

Conclusions: Hemerrhoids are one of the common diseases observed in patients below 40 years of age, especially if they are under stress. Proper diet, which is inclusive of adequate quantities of fibre as well as with less spice is essential to prevent this disease.


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How to Cite

Ravindranath, G. G., & Rahul, B. G. (2018). Prevalence and risk factors of hemorrhoids: a study in a semi-urban centre. International Surgery Journal, 5(2), 496–499.



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