A clinical study on ventral hernia at a tertiary care hospital
Epigastric hernia, Incisional hernia, Para-umbilical hernia, Umbilical hernia, Ventral herniaAbstract
Background: Ventral hernias comprise the second most common hernial presentations in the surgical world. This study was undertaken to know the different clinical types, age incidence, predisposing factors for ventral hernia and also to study the post-operative results of different operative procedures. objective of present study was to investigate clinical profile of patients with ventral hernia.
Methods: Forty cases of abdominal wall hernia were studied during the period of 2 years. Informed consent was obtained. Detailed history, thorough clinical examination was carried out. Patients were operated with standard surgical procedure. They were followed for 3-18 more months to observe occurrence of complications among them. Data was analyzed using proportions and presented.
Results: Sixty percentage were Incisional hernia following an operation and remaining contributed to 40%. 22.5% patients had presented with complications like irreducibility, obstruction and strangulation. The presence of associated diseases, large hernia, poor condition of local tissue (muscle), all make the surgical management of ventral hernia a complex problem. Each patient was evaluated separately and thoroughly, and his surgery planned so as to obtain satisfactory results. Different methods of surgical procedures were undertaken in this study. The post-operative complication rate was minimal that is 12.5% and the recurrence rate observed was 0% but the sample size and follow up period (3-18 months) was short, in view of which I am not able to give a definite.
Conclusions: Good pre-operative evaluation and preparation; sound anatomical knowledge and meticulous attention to surgical detail are the most important factors for prevention of post-operative complications and recurrence of hernia.
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