Acute gastric volvulus: a case report


  • Alaa Sedik Department of General Surgery, King Khalid Hospital Hail, Saudi Arabia
  • Salwa Elhoushy Department of Internal Medicine, King Khalid Hospital Hail, Saudi Arabia



Acute gastric volvulus, Borchardt’s triad, Gastric gangrene, Organoaxial


Acute gastric volvulus is a rare, life-threatening condition, but its intermittent nature and vague symptoms may make diagnosis difficult. Imaging is usually only diagnostic if carried out when patients are symptomatic. In the acute scenario, severe epigastric pain, retching with or without vomiting and difficulty or inability to pass nasogastric tube, constitute the Borchardt ’s triad that may be diagnostic. Herein, author reported a case that presented lately to the emergency department in shock with severe abdominal pain, abdominal distension and vomiting. Unfortunately, she died before surgery. Acute gastric volvulus is a surgical emergency requiring early diagnosis and aggressive management, as a delay results into complications like gangrene and perforation which substantially increase the morbidity and mortality in these patients.


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Case Reports