Hemithyroidectomy with or without use of drain a randomized prospective clinical study
Hemithyroidectomy, Short stay, Suction drain, Wound drainageAbstract
Background: The practice of using the drain in thyroid surgery including hemithyroidectomy is common to avoid complications like a hematoma. The aim of this study is to evaluate the necessity of routine drainage in hemithyroidectomy.
Methods: In this randomized prospective clinical study conducted in tertiary care government training hospital,60 patients who underwent hemithyroidectomy for various thyroid disorders were randomly allocated to either non-drainage (group A) or drainage (group B). The various complications including hematoma, seroma, wound infection, post-operative pain, the length of hospital stay was then compared.
Results: Both groups were comparable according to age, gender, thyroid size and histopathological diagnosis. A total number of 60 patients evaluated among them 45 females (75%) and 15 males (25%) were there. No significant difference in complications was observed between two groups regarding hematoma, wound infection, but the length of hospital stay was significantly reduced in the non-drainage group compared to drainage group (p-0.004), along with the significant reduction in post-operative pain (p-0.001).
Conclusions: In present study, author observed that there is a significant reduction in length of hospital stay and post-operative pain in non-drainage group compared to drainage group. So suction drainage should be done in selected patients rather than a routine procedure and it is safe without suction drain especially in hands of experienced surgeons.
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