Adenoid cystic carcinoma right breast: a rare case report
Adenoid cystic carcinoma, Axillary lymph node, Invasive cribriform carcinoma pattern, Modified radical mastectomy, Mammograph, Tru-cut biopsyAbstract
Adenoid Cystic carcinoma of the breast is a rare neoplasm accounting for 0.1% of breast carcinomas, and presenting most commonly as a painful breast lump. In contrast to the aggressive nature of adenoid cystic carcinoma at other sites, adenoid cystic carcinoma of the breast has a favourable prognosis, lymph node involvement or distant metastases seldom occur. Treatment is basically of modified radical mastectomy. Chemotherapy, radio therapy and hormonal treatment have been infrequently used. We report a case of 60 years old woman with adenoid cystic carcinoma of the right breast managed with MRM.
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