Efficacy of dynamic retention suture compared with open laprostomy in secondary peritonitis patients
Background: Surgical treatment is the cornerstone of treatment of patients of secondary peritonitis and usually comprises elimination of infectious focus with peritoneal lavage. In these patients, the abdomen closure has been an important issue whereby it can be managed either by primary closure or any techniques of laparostomy.
Methods: A randomised prospective study was undertaken with 60 patients of secondary peritonitis regardless of causative etiology and divided into two equally compatible groups, Group A with open laparostomy and Group B who underwent staged closure with Dynamic Retention sutures. They were compared for demographic profile and IAP and pre and post-operative morbidity and ICU stay and pain score with time to resume normal diet and activities and complications encountered during the procedures
Results: On analysis of both groups, the patients undergoing modified bagota also had better outcomes in terms of significantly lower value on pain scale and lesser duration of hospital stay, early resumption of activities however, in failed cases of group A these advantages were outweighed by conversion to open laparostomy hence this calls for appropriate selection of closure technique at the very outset.
Conclusions: The monitoring of post- operative IAP is important in deciding the need for any intervention in open laprostomy as well as Dynamic Retention Sutures with modified Bagota techniques. This definitely prevents ACS in the patients of secondary peritonitis post- operatively.
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