An update on incisional hernias


  • Omar González Rico Clínica Hospital ISSSTE Celaya, Mexico
  • Luis Fernando Pérez Solís Facultad de Medicina UNAM, Mexico
  • Jesús Eduardo Trujillo Rodríguez Universidad Cristóbal Colón, Mexico
  • Elias John García Facultad de Medicina, UANL, Mexico
  • María Fernanda Vázquez Páez Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico
  • Karen Alicia Hernández Castro Instituto Politécnico Nacional, ENMH, Mexico
  • Mayel Ortega Cambrón Universidad michoacana de San Nicolás Hidalgo, Mexico
  • José Alejandro Cano Hidalgo Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico



Incisional hernia, Prevalence, Factors contributing to occurrence, Adverse outcomes, Treatment strategies


After abdominal surgery, incisional hernias are a common occurrence that may occur, and the frequency of these hernias may vary considerably depending on a number of different circumstances. This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of incisional hernias, including their occurrence, causes, potential complications, and treatment options. Therefore, it is essential for healthcare providers to have a comprehensive understanding of these aspects in order to provide effective treatment and reduce the negative effects of this condition on patients.



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How to Cite

Rico, O. G., Solís, L. F. P., Rodríguez, J. E. T., García, E. J., Páez, M. F. V., Castro, K. A. H., Cambrón, M. O., & Hidalgo, J. A. C. (2024). An update on incisional hernias. International Surgery Journal, 11(12), 2187–2191.



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