The use of scrotal support post inguino-scrotal hernia repair: a prospective observational study


  • Abrar Khan Department of Surgery, JIIU’s IIMSR, Jalna, Maharashtra, India
  • Syed Ameenuddin Ali Department of Surgery, JIIU’s IIMSR, Jalna, Maharashtra, India
  • Arefa Almas Department of Surgery, JIIU’s IIMSR, Jalna, Maharashtra, India



Scrotal support, Inguino-scrotal hernia, Scrotal edema


Background: Inguino-scrotal hernias pose a significant clinical challenge, requiring surgical intervention for resolution. Post-operative care is crucial for optimizing outcomes and enhancing patient comfort. Scrotal support has emerged as a potential adjunctive therapy in this context. The aim of this study was to compare the occurrence of scrotal swelling in the form of edema and hematoma in post-operative cases of inguinal hernia repair cases in our surgical unit in a tertiary care center.

Methods: Our study was carried out at a rural tertiary care center from July 2022 to June 2024 and includes 389 patients who underwent elective surgical repair for inguino-scrotal hernias. Scrotal support was provided post-operatively, and patients were followed up at regular intervals. The study population was divided into two groups, group A with regular under garments and group B were given scrotal support (coconut bandage). Total numbers of 1050 inguino-scrotal hernia surgery were performed of which 389 patients were operated in a single unit by two surgeons and we included in the study. Of the 389 cases, 208 cases were in group A and 181 cases were in group B. All are male patients with the age ranges from 35-75 years.

Results: In group A, 37 patients (17.78%) developed scrotal hematoma and edema and in group B, 16 patients (8.83%) developed similar findings.

Conclusions: Scrotal support post inguino-scrotal hernia repair demonstrates promising benefits, including decreased pain and swelling and improved patient satisfaction, without compromising surgical outcomes.


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