Clinical insights into liver abscess: a comprehensive analysis of presentation, etiology and management in Northeastern India, Silchar, Assam
Hepatic abscess, Entamoeba histolytica, Pig tail catheterizationAbstract
Hepatic abscess is a prevalent disease in Northeastern India with a myriad clinical feature. The present study is aimed to understand the clinical profile, microbiological aetiologies, and management outcomes in patients with hepatic abscesses in Northeastern India, Silchar. In the surgery department of Silchar medical college and hospital, 20 cases of hepatic abscess were studied from January 2022 to October 2023. Records were kept for history, examination, and laboratory investigations. Ultrasound-guided aspiration of the abscess was done, and samples were subject to relevant investigation. The mean age of patients was 33 years, 2/3rd of the patients were from lower socioeconomic status. Alcoholic history was elicited from 45% of the patients. The abscesses were predominantly in the right lobe (70%) and solitary (65%). Etiology of the cases, 55% amoebic, 40% pyogenic, and 5% were tubercular in origin. Pigtail catheterization was done in 70% of the patients; percutaneous needle aspiration was done in 25% of the cases. No cases of mortality were noted. Amoebic and tubercular abscess were solitary in nature whereas pyogenic abscesses were multiple. The amoebic and pyogenic abscess had right lobe predominantly affected whereas in tubercular abscesses left lobe involvement was more common. The most common presentation was young male of low socioeconomic status having solitary amoebic abscess usually in the right lobe of liver
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