Patent urachus in primary care: a case report


  • Patrícia M. Moreira Aces Douro I Marão e Douro Norte, USF Fénix, Vila Real, Portugal
  • Rafael S. Sequeira Aces Douro I Marão e Douro Norte, USF Fénix, Vila Real, Portugal
  • Joana Leite Aces Douro I Marão e Douro Norte, USF Fénix, Vila Real, Portugal
  • Pedro Apolinário Aces Douro I Marão e Douro Norte, USF Fénix, Vila Real, Portugal
  • Delfim Teixeira Aces Baixo Vouga, USF João Semana, Ovar, Portugal



Patent urachus, Urachal remnants, Urachal anomalies, Case report


Urachus, a fibrous tube extending from the umbilicus to the bladder dome, usually closes by the 12th week of gestation, transforming into the median umbilical ligament. However, urachal anomalies, more prevalent than previously believed, are increasingly detected incidentally due to expanded cross-sectional imaging. While persistent embryonic connections between the bladder and the umbilicus are commonly managed in childhood, they can persist into adulthood, leading to heightened morbidity. This case details a 19-year-old who remained asymptomatic until presenting with non-specific complaints, later diagnosed with a urachal remnant through ultrasound. Patients with persistent urachal remnants might remain asymptomatic or display lower abdominal or urinary tract symptoms, potentially causing complications. Imaging reveals distinct appearances for various urachal anomalies, with a patent urachus characterized by an elongated open connection between the bladder and umbilicus. Timely identification of potential complications such as infection and tumors is crucial for optimal management.


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How to Cite

Moreira, P. M., Sequeira, R. S., Leite, J., Apolinário, P., & Teixeira, D. (2024). Patent urachus in primary care: a case report. International Surgery Journal, 11(2), 261–263.



Case Reports